【商品説明】 Product DescriptionThere's a lot we don't know about Canada's vast landscape - lakes and mountains that have never even been discovered. But the places we do know are worth exploring, and now you can see more than seven beautiful Canadian provinces in this exclusive set featuring more than 5 hours of spectacular scenery and destinations. Get a taste of the rugged Pacific coastline in British Columbia, the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, the fascinating wildlife in Manitoba, and the country's beautiful capital in Ontario. Experience Francophone culture in QuCec, spectacular fall and winter colors in New Brunswick, and summer in Canada's Eastern-most province of Newfoundland and Labrador
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Canada Explorer [DVD]
Product DescriptionThere's a lot we don't know about Canada's vast landscape - lakes and mountains that have never even been discovered. But the places we do know are worth exploring, and now you can see more than seven beautiful Canadian provinces in this exclusive set featuring more than 5 hours of spectacular scenery and destinations. Get a taste of the rugged Pacific coastline in British Columbia, the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, the fascinating wildlife in Manitoba, and the country's beautiful capital in Ontario. Experience Francophone culture in QuCec, spectacular fall and winter colors in New Brunswick, and summer in Canada's Eastern-most province of Newfoundland and Labrador
(中古品)Canada Explorer [DVD]///Product DescriptionThere's a lot we don't know about Canada's vast landscape - lakes and mountains that have never even been discovered. But the places we do know are worth exploring, and now you can see more than seven beautiful Canadian provinces in this exclusive set featuring more than 5 hours of spectacular scenery and destinations. Get a taste of the rugged Pacific coastline in British Columbia, the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, the fascinating wildlife in Manitoba, and the country's beautiful capital in Ontario. Experience Francophone culture in QuCec, spectacular fall and winter colors in New Brunswick, and summer in Canada's Eastern-most province of Newfoundland and Labrador